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Hon. Charles R. Wilson

Senior U.S. Circuit Judge
United States Court of Appeals
Eleventh Circuit

Pensacola, Florida

Date of Appointment:
August 9, 1999

Entered on Duty:
September 13, 1999

University of Notre Dame, B.A., 1976
University of Notre Dame, J.D., 1979

Previous Employment:
Law clerk, Hon. Joseph W. Hatchett, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, 1979-1980
Assistant county attorney, Hillsborough County, FL, 1980-1981
Private practice, Tampa, FL, 1981-1986
State county judge, Hillsborough County, FL, 1986-1990
U.S. Magistrate, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, 1990-1994
U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida, 1994-1999